Community Involvement & Philianthropy
After a personal experience, my family was a witness to, and beneficiary of the outstanding care delivered through The Alberta Children’s Hospital here in Calgary. As a result of my experience I wanted to give back, in this effort, with Haywood’s support we launched the Haywood Charity Golf Tournament in 2010. This annual tournament, attended by our clients, has raised $450,000 in its first five years and continues to raise funds each year. Each year we work with The Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation to fund specific needs that they have determined are required, in the past we have funded the purchase of life-saving equipment such as a portable echocardiogram, 3Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging (3T MRI) Scanner, and an artificial heart and lung system called Extracorporeal Life Support. With these investments, hospital specialists are better equipped to provide the best possible care to kids when they need it most. We are honored to be involved with such an outstanding organization and continue each year to plan a fun event for our clients, while raising funds for the work they do for all kids in Alberta.
Haywood as a firm supports many different firm and employee initiated charitable and community events. As a firm our largest investment is in supporting excellence through sport in Canada. Haywood Securities first joined Cross Country Canada’s team in 2001, since that time, Haywood’s investment has grown to more than $1.5 million in nine years, and has played a key role in Sara Renner, Chandra Crawford, Beckie Scott, Brian McKeever, Colette Bourgonje, Devon Kershaw and Alex Harvey winning international medals for Canada.